




その1842~1845 (2015/ 7/16~23)


1964年10月10日 快晴、東京オリンピック開会式で国立競技場の上空に航空自衛隊ブルーインパルスがカラースモークの五輪マークを描く。


その瞬間にレッドバロンは寄り道してから元の 1917年にタイムスリップするというオチで、メンバーの(我が目を疑う)セリフで 笑える SF 映画 The Rot  Stuff は das Ende と相成るわけです。




アルコールの抜けきれぬまま F-86 のコックピットで酔い覚ましに純粋酸素を深呼吸して飛んだとか。(パイロット!)





R : Wir haben abgehoben, und die Uhr läuft.(英語字幕 We have liftoff, and the clock is operating.)




"We have liftoff"


NASA officials traditionally say ‘we have lift-off’ to announce that they have just sent a space vehicle up into the air successfully.)



単独飛行のレッドバロン自身が言うなら本来は wir(we)ではないけれど、このほうがセリフとしては(パロディぽくて)よろしい。(腕次第チームだし)


参考(マーキュリー 第一声)


シェパード(フリーダム)"Roger, liftoff and the clock has started."


グリソム(リバティベル)" Loud and clear."


グレン(フレンドシップ)"Roger. The clock is operating."


カーペンター(オーロラ)"I feel the lift-off. The clock has started."


シラー   (シグマ)   "I have the liftoff. Clock has started."


クーパー  (フェイス)"Roger. I have a lift-off and the clock is operating."





「バーンストーマー?」(英語字幕 Flying circus?)


レッドバロンこと Manfred von Richthofen 率いる Jagdgeschwader 1 (JG 1)は銘々が機体をカラフルに彩ってアピール、そのため "Flying Circus"("Richthofen's Circus")と呼ばれる。


弟のロタール Lothar von Richthofen の証言(英訳)―


It became known everywhere that the English had put a price on my brother's head. Every flier over there knew him, for at the time he alone flew a red plane. For that reason we decided to paint every plane in our squadron... The request was granted, for through our many victories we had shown ourselves worthy of the colour. The colour red signified certain arrogance. Everyone knew that. It attracted attention. Hence, one had to accomplish something. We looked with pride on our red birds. My brother's crate was glaring red. The rest of us each had his own special mark painted in other colours. In the air one cannot see another flier's face, so we chose these colours as recognition insignia. For example, Schäfer had the elevator, rudder and rear part of the fuselage in black, Allmenröder had the same in white, Wolff had green, and I had yellow... Each had a different mark. In the air the entire machine appeared red to those on the ground as well as to the enemy fliers, for only a small part of the machine was painted a second colour (Lothar Freiherr von Richthofen. Memoiries of my brother/ The Red Baron).





これも実際のブルーインパルスが「ヘッジホッピング」(hedgehopping 低空飛行 to fly an airplane at a very low altitude, as for spraying crops or for low-level bombing in warfare)と言ったかは定かでない(ま、言うわけない)が、The Rot  Stuff では当然この表現―




What you been doing, hedgehopping? (Yeager, war das ein Heckenflug?) 




When a fighter pilot was in training, whether in the Navy or the Air Force, his superiors were continually spelling out strict rules for him, about the use of the aircraft and conduct in the sky. They repeatedly forbade so-called hot-dog stunts, such as outside loops, buzzing, flat-hatting, hedgehopping and flying under bridges.(The Right Stuff)

