




その1469~1471 (2014/ 1/18)


その頃 Albatross D.V に乗っていたレッドバロン撃墜のクレジットはイギリス空軍 FE 2d(複座) のパイロット Cunnell、銃撃したのは Woodbridge(observer)で簡単な状況は(Pages from the Past | Astrology is Fun)―


On 6 July 1917, von Richthofen led a formation of forty aircraft to attack a formation of FE2d from No 20 Squadron. The British escort of four Sopwith Triplanes from No 10 (Naval) Squadron soon joined the fight.


In the melee, von Richthofen attacked the leading Fe2d, flown by Captain Douglas Cunnell. His observer, Second Lieutenant AE Woodbridge fired at the scarlet Albatross V and hit von Richthofen in the head. He blacked out and descended to about 2,500 feet before he regained consciousness and struggled to crash land his Albatross near Wervick on the Franco-Belgian border. He was rushed to hospital where he had to stay for several weeks. He had been forced out of action at a crucial period in the aerial campaign.



さて、実は興味深い話があって、レッドバロンは左耳後ろを撃たれた―ということは、もちろん後ろから撃たれたことになるが、Woodbridge が語るには―


Two of them came at us head-on, and the first one was Richthofen. I opened fire with the front Lewis and so did Cunnell with the side gun. Cunnell held the FE on her course and so did the pilot of the all-red scout [Richthofen].  With our combined speeds, we approached each other at 250 miles per hour ... I kept a steady stream of lead pouring into the nose of that machine.  (Guttman & Dempsey, Pusher Aces of World War I)








レッドバロンは「んなもの当たるわきゃない」(I calmly let him shoot, for even the best sharpshooter's marksmanship could not help at a distance of 300 metres. One just does not hit.)と余裕だったのに「いきなり―」(Suddenly something struck me in the head. )といった感じなので、どうも分かっていたふうにもありますね。



レッドバロンの後方にいたのは率いていた飛行隊(Staffel)―つまり friendly fire だったというのが真相のようで、だとするなら >いったい誰がレッドバロンを死に至らしめたのか? の真犯人は―








の(故意にしろ過失にしろ)friendly fire だったという皮肉なことになる。


要するにレッドバロンは(我が「赤い伝説 レッドバロン物語」のシナリオ上では、故意に)味方から撃たれた頭部の負傷(外傷性脳損傷)のせいで最後に致命的な judgment ミスを犯してしまったという結論になるわけであります。




あの(運命の銃弾を放ったと目される)Cedric Popkin 自身でさえ―


"I am fairly certain it was my fire which caused the Baron to crash but it would be impossible to say definitely that I was responsible... As to pinpointing without doubt the man who fired the fatal shot the controversy will never actually be resolved." (1964)

