




よって、当然スクリプトの "charm school" でレクチャーする NASA MAN は架空の存在だけれど、この役を演じるのは凸凹リクルータ・コンビ以外に考えられまい。




凸凹 セリフ―


We have film of some people, we think are strong candidates.(我々の考えた候補者をお見せします)

We'd like to run it and stimulate some thinking. (これを材料に ご検討を)


These are people we felt would be excellent in the splashdown.  We like the one on the right. (サーファーは着水が巧みです 特に右の者がお勧めです)


No, on the left.(左だろ 恥をかかせるなよ)


These people are experienced with machinery and have their own helmets.(レーサーはマシンの扱いにたけており ヘルメットも所有)


Is that a factor?(関係ない)


As you'll see, they're quite comfortable in conditions of flame.(炎に包まれるぐらいは朝飯前です)


Now, uh, this is, uh, personnel...who have very well-developed equilibrium.(平衡感覚で選ぶなら彼らを置いてほかにいません)[綱渡り]


Good middle ear.  Also very nice people.(中耳が発達しており性格も温厚)


Very easy to work with. With some work, they could be very responsive to orders.(指示にもよく従います)


This is my first choice.(彼が私の1番のお勧めです)[空中ブランコ]


The man with the hood. Since he works without eyesight, his other senses are sharpened.(目隠しでこの芸当 ほかの感覚も鋭いに違いない)


In space there'll be little need for eyeballing at any rate.(宇宙では五感が大切です)


The cannonball effect you mentioned...(砲弾の話が出ましたが―)


We're thinking about...putting a couple into orbit.(我々は夫婦をペアで打ち上げようと考えています)[人間大砲]


Adds emotional stability.(精神的に安定します)


This individual has many plus factors.(彼は数々の特性を兼備)[飛び込み曲芸師]


Ease with flames, comfort at heights...(炎や高さに慣れており―)


...and, uh, agility in the splashdown. Also, he is available on the 15th.(着水も得意 しかも今月はヒマだとか)







SMALL SCREEN again. A HUMAN CANNONBALL climbs into a cannon. BLAM !  He sails through the air.


The Scinentist looks like his good time is being wasted.


Then, a succession of others who were actually considered: subarine〔ママ〕crew members, prachute jumpers, arctic explorers, scuba divers, sufers, and—women telephone operators.




The announcement calling for volunteers did mention test pilots as being among the types of men who might qualify, but it also mentioned submarine crew members, parachute jumpers, arctic explorers, mountain climbers, deep sea divers, even scuba divers, combat veterans, and, for that matter, mere veterans of combat training, and men who had served as test subjects for acceleration and atmospheric pressure tests, such as the Air Force and Navy had been running.(The Right Stuff)



