


カウフマンは(たぶん)原作の皮肉な筆致を(素直に?)伝えんと、初期スクリプトには例の(音速突破の際の)お笑い “reversing the controls” にまつわるシーンを(原作どおりに)記していて、これを使っていれば笑えるにしても(たぶん)もたついた感じになった気がする。(ゆえに使わなかったと思う)
一九五二年に「音の壁[超音ジェット機]というラルフ・リチャードソン主演のイギリス映画がアメリカで封切られたが、その宣伝係は実際に音の壁を破った男、アメリカ空軍少佐チャールズ・Eイエーガーアメリカでのプレミア・ショーに招待するというすばらしいことを思いついた。空軍はこれを了承し、イエーガーはこの特別封切に姿をあらわした。映画を見て、彼は呆気にとられた。映画にうつされていることが信じられなかった。映画はチャールズ・Eイエーガーの功績をもとにしたものではなく、父親の設計した DH108 にのって音の壁に挑戦して死んだジェフリー・ド・ハヴィランドに着想を得たものであった。映画の結末で一人のイギリス人パイロットがエンジンを掛けたままの動力急降下をしその重大な瞬間に操縦桿を逆に操作することによって、「音の壁」の謎を解決する。激震(バフェティング)のために機体はいまにもばらばらに分解しそうだ。墜落を避けるために、理論的にはどう考えても操縦桿を手前にひかなくてはならない。だがパイロットは前に押したおす…するとどうだ!ふたたび機体は完全に制御をとりもどし、一気にまるで鳥が飛ぶようになめらかにマッハ一の壁をつきぬけていく。
「いいえ、長官」とイエーガーは答えた。「それは…間違っています。音速に近いスピードで操縦桿を逆に操作すれば、それは死につながります」 [中公文庫]
   In 1952 a British movie called Breaking the Sound Barrier, starring Ralph Richardson, was released in the United States, and its promoters got the bright idea of inviting the man who had actually done it, Major Charles E. Yeager of the U.S. Air Force, to the American premiere. So the Air Force goes along with it and Yeager turns up for the festivities. When he watches the movie, he's stunned. He can't believe what he's seeing. Far from being based on the exploits of Charles E. Yeager, Breaking the Sound Barrier was inspired by the death of Geoffrey de Havilland in his father's DH 108.  At the end of the movie a British pilot solves the mystery of "the barrier" by reversing the controls at the critical moment during a power dive. The buffeting is tearing his ship to pieces, and every rational process in his head is telling him to pull back on the stick to keep from crashing—and he pushes it down instead… and zips right through Mach 1 as smooth as a bird, regaining full control!
  Breaking the Sound Barrier happened to be one of the most engrossing movies about flying ever made. It seemed superbly realistic, and people cameaway from it sure of two things: it was an Englishman who had broken the soundbarrier, and he had done it by reversing the controls in the transonic zone.
  Well, after the showing they bring out Yeager to meet the press, and he doesn't know where in the hell to start. To him the whole goddamned picture is outrageous. He doesn't want to get mad, because this thing has been set up by Air Force P.R.  But he is not happy. In as calm a way as he can word it on the spur of the moment, he informs one and all that the picture is an utter shuck from start to finish. The promoters respond, a bit huffily, that this pictureis not, after all, a documentary. Yeager figures, well, anyway, that settles that. But as the weeks go by, he discovers an incredible thing happening. He keeps running into people who think he's the first American to break the soundbarrier… and that he learned how to reverse the controls and zip through from the Englishman who did it first. The last straw comes when he gets a call from the Secretary of the Air Force.
  "Chuck," he says, "do you mind if I ask you something ?  Is it true that you broke the sound barrier by reversing the controls ?"
  Yeager is stunned by this. The Secretary—the Secretary !—of the U.S. AirForce !
  "No, sir," he says, "that is… not correct. Anyone who reversed the controls going transonic would be dead." (The Right Stuff