






The supersonic transports and airliners would be so automated they would give the pilot an override stick just so he could push on it every now and then and feel like a pilot; it would be a goddamned right-stuff security blanket. They were even developing an automatic guidance system to bring the X-15 back through the atmosphere at a precise angle of attack. Maybe the age of "the flyboys," the stick'n'rudder fighter jocks, was about finished.


  All of that Yeager could accept. On the great pyramid there was no steady state. Sixteen years ago, when he came to Muroc, he was only twenty-four, and few other test pilots had ever heard of him, and most people in aviation thought "the sound barrier" was as solid as a wall. Once he flew Mach 1, however, it was a whole new ball game. And now there were cosmonauts and astronauts, and it was a whole new ball game once again.(The Right Stuff)




 こういった事情はすべてイエーガーも受け入れることができた。偉大なピラミッドの上では、不変というものはない。一六年前、ミューロックにやってきたとき、彼は弱冠二四歳で、ほとんどのテスト・パイロットたちは彼のことなど聞いたこともなかったし、また「音の壁」は本当に壁のように固いと、航空界の多くの者が考えていた。しかし、一旦彼がマッハ一の壁を破ってしまうと、事態は一変した。そしてソ連アメリカの宇宙飛行士が誕生すると、またしても事態は新しい展開をみた。(十五 高地砂漠) [中公文庫]


 つまり、イェーガーがグリソムを(連絡官やリドリーのように一笑に付すのではなく)he did all right. と認めるのは―


All of that Yeager could accept. On the great pyramid there was no steady state.




原作はこの後に NF-104 奇跡の生還が語られるという流れで、カットされた連絡官のセリフは F-104(NF-104)を見ながらイェーガーに―


From now on, the astronaut boys in Houston have got the only ticket.

