


re:「オデッセイ」(The Martian
火星の人 リドリー・スコット マット・デイモン 植物学者 …
映画には 2 種類ある―S タイプと、そうでないもの (註 S SpaceSF ではなしに sohkusa 向き の略)
こういうのが S タイプ―見なくても(勝手にイメージできて)面白い。
そう言えば、NCISTV)見てたら「トム少佐が何たら~」というセリフがあって、この吹き替えだけで即座に 'Ground control to Major Tom'デヴィッド・ボウイ)のギャグだと察知できる sohkusa なのであった。
The Martian オデッセイ‐3
ゴールデングローブを(ドラマではなく)Musical or Comedy(ミュージカル/コメディ部門)で受賞してるが(ただ取りやすいほうにエントリーしただけという単純でつまらん見方は措いといて)マット・デイモン The Martian はコメディなのか? と問われ―
"No, it’s not a comedy, it’s a musical." I think that was what the 18 year gap was for me. I was working on my singing, which really is what really brought me here tonight.
この(笑わせてくれる)ノリが不肖 sohkusa をして「オデッセイ」を S(sタイプ映画)認定させてるわけで、某名作「ライトスタッフ」が実はコメディであることと通底する(漠然とした、かつ 100 確実な)感触なのであって、はたしてリドリー・スコット(監督)は語る―
After seeing the movie it’s hard to imagine anyone else being able to play Mark Watney besides Matt Damon. ―Entertainment Weekly

He’s so thoughtful and dignified.  He really has an interesting dignity.  And we both felt that the film had to have that humor — the book is funny.  You can miss that and just concentrate on the heroism. I really learned from a film I quite like a lot called The Right Stuff.  The book too.  You hear the cool voice of Chuck Yeager say in a calm voice: “I’m getting some bumps.” He’s actually going through the bloody sound barrier!  It’s pilot speak — they do not allow fear or terror to enter.  You can’t let that in.  You must keep fear and panic at bay.


 更には Rolling Stone の興味深くも明快な記事―
The Martian’: Inside Matt Damon and Ridley Scott’s Sci-Fi Thriller
How the star and filmmaker turned a lost-in-space tale into a funny, harrowing survivalist epic by David Fear
When Matt and I would talk about Mark,”the director continues, “the word that kept coming up was fear.  He kept saying, ‘My character never really seems to show fear,’ which you think would be unusual — he’s stranded on fucking Mars!  But I kept telling him to think about The Right Stuff.  Test pilots don’t really show fear; they couldn’t cope with what they needed to in a situation if they were terrified.  When Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier, he had a broken arm and two fractured ribs…”
“…And he had to use a broom handle to keep the door on his plane shut!”  Weir interjects.


※ ま、鍛え抜かれた純正ライトスタッフ・ファンの脳内ライブラリーでは「ライトスタッフ」と「オデッセイ」は同じ棚に並んでましょうね―決して宇宙ものという分類じゃなく。