


純正ライトスタッフ・ファンには意外に感じられるかもしれないが、エドワーズで ARPS  のインストラクターだったボーマンは、そのくせ(だからこそ?)イェーガーに辛辣で、outspoken and tenacious のボーマンはジョン・グレンスペースシャトル・ミッション(STS-95  1998年)に―
John Glenn, a payload specialist?  That’s bullshit. A 77-year-old spinning around up there so they can record 10 days of information on geriatrics?  NASA could get better data monitoring him for 10 days in bed.  It’s all P.R.—a victory lap for John. What’s he going to do for anencore, Nuprin ads?”  Vanity Fair
と言いたい放題に突っ込みまくってるくらいの(ヤワな家庭第一主義者なんてもんじゃ全然ない)tough aggressive なキャラなんです、実は。
その1417 (2013/09/18
NF-104 のアイデア フランク・ボーマンによるものらしく(The idea for the NF-104s was generally credited to astronaut Frank Borman, who was a student at the school in 1960 and an instructor in 1961.)、イェーガーの(pilot error ではないとされた)事故のせいで NF-104 のプログラムが脚下されたことを当然 ボーマンは面白かろうはずがなく、さすがにイェーガーへの批判めいたことをもらしているとか、いないとか―少なくとも、誰にしろ ASTNF-104)プログラムに携わった者は(イェーガーの pilot error だろうと、なかろうと)いたく失望・落胆させられたのは確か。
ボーマンはインタビュー(Frank Borman Oral History -Johnson Space Center  1999)でテストパイロット・スクールのインストラクターだった時に(再突入の感じを知るために) F-104 のロケット装着を思い付き提案したと語っている―
When I left West Point, I went to the [AirForce] Test Pilot School [Edwards Air Force Base, California].  And then I stayed on there to teach because they were starting in what they called the graduate program, an advanced testpilot program, that would lead to, hopefully, prepare people to fly in space.  And as a result of that, we wanted to get an airplane that would give you some sort of a feeling of reentry at a fraction of the cost of the Norbet, and so we—a friend of mine and myself came up with the idea of putting rockets on a 104.
ボーマンが NASA の宇宙飛行士に採用された際の("I never will forget" という)話―
He(=Yeagerwas sitting at his desk.  And I said, "Colonel, I've got some good news."  And he said, "What's that"  And I said, "Ijust heard from NASA that I've been accepted. I'm going to be joining the astronaut program."  And he didn't even look up.  He said, "Well,Borman, you can kiss your blank career—Air Force career goodbye."[laughs]  So that was my sendoff from the Air Force.  Actually, I never left the Air Force but from Edwards.
イェーガーはボーマンが NASA の宇宙飛行士になることを(なぜか)快く思わず、例によって(イヤミを言うしか能がないのか?)辛辣な見送りをしてくれたそうな。
So, I just feel very, very privileged to have been part of NASA in that era.  I was with Chuck Yeager this last weekend, and he said, "Aw, you know, you should've stayed with the Air Force. " (He's mellowed a lot).  But still, I think I contributed more to the country there than I could have if I had stayed in the Air Force.
空軍としては NASAastronaut program への参画を(当然かつ断然)プッシュしており、あのルメイ(Curtis LeMay, who was the Chief of Staff of the Air Force)がボーマンらに―
that we were warriors in a Cold War and that our job was to go to NASA, do good for the country, and make the Air Force look good.
I don't think he even wanted to be astronaut. I think by then he was a colonel in the Air Force, and I think he was a happy camper at Edwards.
※ 同じくビル・アンダースも NASA に採用されたことを告げた際のイェーガーを―
He was upset about that and actually put some energy into that trying to get me kicked out of the NASA program― Fortunately he was not successful.