






当時 ボブ・スミス Major Robert W.“Smitty”Smith (Air Force Flight Test Center)は非公認ながら NF-104 で高度 120,800フィートを(ゆうにソ連の世界最高 113,890フィートを超えて)記録しているが、そのスミッティの Yeager's accident was strictly and fully pilot error. とする確乎たる主張―


The facts are clear.  Chuck Yeager proved incapable of doing the job.  He was totally outside his element.  He was a natural pilot who had learned by experience and feel, but never really understood stability, just ‘sensed’ how airplanes would act, but aerodynamics and space dynamics are night and day.  If he was to fail, I expected it to be outside the aerodynamics region.


そして、イェーガーは(あのイェーガーですから)フライト前にスミッティが縷々ブリーフィングして要領(イェーガーの問題点)を説明してやっても興味なさげ(聞く耳を持たないふう)だったとか。(Yeager was an exceptionally confident and independent man.)


ちなみにイェーガーは(映画とは違いリドリーの救急トラックじゃなく)このスミッティらのヘリ H-21 で救助されていて―


Chuck started to walk toward us in his pressure suit, but with helmet in hand.










Chuck started to walk toward us in his pressure suit, but with helmet in hand.


と、じっと立ったままじゃなく (映画みたいに威風堂々、ガムをかみながらではないにしても)歩いて向ってきたのは本当のようであります。




ただし、墜落した NF-104 からは もうもうと黒煙が立ち昇ってなどいませんで、わずかに白い蒸気が出てた程度とか。





His shortcoming was inability to gain and maintain the 70 degree climb angle.  That required strict and delicate airplane control.  No more and no less.


即ち、NF-104 の急上昇(zoom climb)に必要条件とされる 70度の上昇角度に至りえなかった、その技術のなさと無理解(その意味を理解しようとすらしなかったこと)をボブ・スミスは指摘する。


従って、イェーガーの相棒(盟友) ジャック・リドリーとて―


I say he screwed the pooch. Plain and simple.






To reach maximum altitude, the pilot accelerated the NF-104 at full power to maximum speed, then pulled up into a "zoom climb."  In a zoom, the more energy you could build up during acceleration―and the more precisely you could maintain the optimal climb angle―the higher the airplane would climb when it coasted to the top of the zoom.  Smitty reached 120,800 feet on one zoom―not an official world record because it was a test flight and the official monitors were not in place.  Optimum climb angle for the aircraft turned out to be between 65 and 70 degrees, which, added to a 14 degree seat cant and a five-degrees angle of attack left the pilot reclined at an angle of about 85 degrees.  You couldn’t see the ground from that position, so all zoom maneuvers were made on instruments. (Sky High in a Starfighter  Air & Space Magazine)