


アポロ11 1202 alarm  騒動は当然「ファースト・マン」では暗~く(緊迫感を漂わせつつも、さらっと)描かれるが、とうに「人類、月に立つ」で(アームストロングが称賛した管制の動きも重ね、じっくりと、それでも)やはり暗く扱われている。
これに似かよった謎の「" SCE " とは何のこっちゃ?」事件がアポロ12 で起きていて、こちらは「人類、月に立つ」の(あのアポロ12 ゆえ、当然)大いに笑えるエピソード(That's All There Is)に詳しい。
アポロ12 は打ち上げられるや(否や)二度も雷に直撃されたが、「人類、月に立つ」(Part 7That's All There Is)でも当然(アポロ13 "Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here." シーンさながらに)描かれていて、その瞬間 ピート・コンラッドらクルーは―
What was that?  (何だ)[「フロム・ジ・アース」字幕]
I just lost a bunch of stuff. (ライトが消えた)
We just had a whole bunch of buses dropout. (システムのダウンだ)
What have we got here?  A/C bus 1 light, all the fuel cells. (バス 燃料電池がおかしい)
Okay, Houston, we just lost the platform here, gang. (ヒューストンへ 制御盤を失った)
I don't know what happened here.
We had everything drop out.  (計器が使いものにならない)
Three fuel cell lights, A/C bus light, a fuel cell disconnect, A/C bus overload 1 and 2, main bus A and B out. (燃料電池 3 つに AC バス メインバス A   B もアウト)
We had some big glitch here. (最悪の事態だ)
I got A/C.  AC 復活)
You got  A/C? (本当か?)  Maybe it's the indicator.
What you got on the main bus?  (メインバスは?)
24 volts. That's low. (24 ボルト 低すぎる)
We've got a short of some kind but I can't believe that's accurate. (ショートのようだがはっきりしない)
その実際の交信記録(capcom  Jerry Carr)―
Public Affairs Office - "40seconds."
000:00:42 Carr: Mark.
000:00:43 Carr: One Bravo.
000:00:43 Conrad: Roger. We had a whole bunch of buses drop out.
000:00:44 Conrad: Roger. We on that.
000:00:45 Bean: There's nothing - it's nothing ...
000:00:47 Gordon: A circuit ...
000:00:48 Conrad: Where are we going?
000:00:50 Gordon: I can't see; there's something wrong.
000:00:51 Conrad: AC Bus 1 light, all the fuel cells ...
000:00:56 Conrad: I just lost the platform.
Public Affairs Office - "Altitude a mile and a half now. Velocity 1,592 feet per second."
000:01:00 Bean: Got your GDC.
000:01:02 Conrad: Okay, we just lost the platform, gang. I don't know what happened here; we had everything in the world drop out.
000:01:08 Carr: Roger.
Public Affairs Office - "Plus one."
000:01:09 Gordon: I can't - There's nothing I can tell is wrong, Pete.
000:01:12 Conrad: I got three fuel cell lights, an AC bus light, a fuel cell disconnect, AC bus overload 1 and 2, Main Bus A and B out.
000:01:21 Bean: I got AC.
000:01:22 Conrad: We got AC?
000:01:23 Bean: Yes.
000:01:24 Conrad: Maybe it's just the indicator. What do you got on the main bus?
000:01:26 Bean: Main bus is - The volt indicated is 24 volts.
000:01:29 Conrad: Huh?
000:01:30 Bean: Twenty-four volts, which is low.
000:01:33 Conrad: We've got a short on it of some kind. But I can't believe the volt...

ここでヒューストン(capcom のジェリー・カー)から誰もが「何のこっちゃ?」でアル・ビーンだけがピンときた謎の "SCE to Aux" 指令―
000:01:36 Carr: Apollo 12, Houston. Try SCE to auxiliary. Over.
000:01:39 Conrad: Try FCE to Auxiliary. What the hell is that?
000:01:41 Conrad: NCE to auxiliary...
000:01:42 Gordon: Fuel cell...
000:01:43 Carr: SCE, SCE to auxiliary.
000:01:45 Conrad: Try the buses. Get the buses back on the line.
000:01:48 Bean: It looks - Everything looks good.
000:01:50 Conrad: SCE to Aux.
000:01:52 Gordon: The GDC is good.
000:01:54 Conrad: Stand by for the - I've lost the event timer; I've lost the...
Public Affairs Office - "Comm reports the reading is back."
???(What the hell is that?)コンラッド FCE とか NCE とか聞き間違えてるのが笑えますね。