


アーロン:Flight, EE COM.
グリフィン:Go, EE COM.
アーロン:I think it's a fuel cell bus failure.燃料電池の故障だと思います)They've been thrown off-line.(ラインが外れたのでは)That must be why we're getting garbage here.
Can they try SCE to aux ?  (SCE を予備に)
ナレーション(ビーン) Gerry Griffin had never heard that command before.(聞いたことのないコマンドだ) I'm sure most of the people in Mission Control hadn't.(管制室のほとんどにとっても)
グリフィン:Tell them.(伝えろ)
カー:Apollo 12, Houston. Try SCE to auxiliary. Over.(アポロ12号へ SCE を予備に切り替えろ)
コンラッドFCE to auxiliary?  What the hell is that ?(それはどういう意味だ)
カー:SCE, SCE-  SCE だ)
ナレーション(ビーン) I'm not sure even Pete knew what that was but one person did.(ピートも分からなかったが―)
ビーンI know what that is. (自分は…分かるよ)
SCE to aux. (信号調整装置[SCE]を予備に)
カー:We're getting good telemetry again.(遠隔データが復活した)Try to reset your fuel cells.燃料電池をリセット)
ビーンReset fuel cells.(リセット)
コンラッドWait for staging.(待て)Wait for staging, yes. (切り離しを) Hang on. (いくぞ)OK, Houston. GDC is good.(グラフィック・ディスプレイ[GDC]よし) We got a good S-ll, gang.(第 1 切り離し成功)
カー:We copy that,Pete. You're looking good.(了解 ピート 異状なし)
ナレーション(ビーン So I had done my part to help out in a crisis.(この危機で自分も役に立ったのだ) Of course, that EECOM fella, John Aaron, well, we owe a lot to him.(もちろん電気担当のジョン・アーロンも貢献したが―) But to me, the real hero was Pete Conrad.(本当の英雄はピートだ) He kept his hand on the abort handle the entire time. But he kept his cool and he never used it.(中止ハンドルに手をかけていたが冷静に判断をしていた)