


Johnson Space Center Oral History Project  Richard F. Gordon, Jr. 16 June 1999
Q : I guess John Aaron on the ground made this call, which some people say was really heroic because you had even a lot of confused people on the ground who didn’t know what to do. And he calmly made the call and knew that you needed to flip this obscure signal condition equipment, which—
Gordon: SCE.
Q : —which I take it some people didn’t even know what it was?  But did Pete Conrad know what SCE was?
Gordon: No. I claim that I did.
Q : Oh really.
Gordon: Yes.
Q : And so you all knew—you knew what this—
Gordon: That may have been a controversy. I had not had that experience with that before or John’s experience before that happened. But the SCE had a primary and an auxiliary, a secondary position. I think the call was, “Switch SCE to Aux.” Which was done right away.
Q : Okay.
Gordon: There’s some confusion whether Idid it or Al Bean did it, because it was right here in front of me. I can see it today.
Q : Do you remember if—
Gordon: But it doesn’t matter. It got done.
何と、ゴードンは SCE を(primary から)Auxauxiliary)にスイッチしたのは(アル・ビーンじゃなく)自分であってコンラッドは知らなかったが自分は知っていた I claim that I did. と明言して)、その操作は速やかになされた(誰がやったかは問題ではない)―何故なら、SCE スイッチは自分の前にあったのだから(because it was right here in front of me.)と仰っております。
Astro Chat with Gemini & Apollo Astronaut Richard Gordon2011 YouTube)での証言―
Q : Is Alan Bean the only crewman who knew the "SCE to Aux" procedure following the lightning strike or did you know it also ?
Gordon: Well I think there’s several comments regarding that I was responsible for the design of cockpit controls in displays and I certainly knew as a SCE switch was I put it there and I think it was breaking in front of alright in the middle of his reach of his instrument panel on the bottom row and I was more concerned that the center fire going in the right direction and trying to communicate with Pete to let him know particularly after the second strike when we lost attitude reference systems
all we lost in that particular moment was the ability of the ground to read what’s going on in the spacecraft we knew what was going on so it was really not to make a concern that we had to let the ground we retrieve their information so they could help us during the point.
ゴードンはコックピット(コントロールパネル)のデザイン(the design of cockpit controls in displays)を担当していて、SCE switch がどこにあるか知らないわけがない(自分がそこにデザインした I put it there)―なので(ピート・コンラッドはともかく)SCE がどういうもので、どこにあるのかアル・ビーンだけが知っていたなんてことはなく、なるほどゴードンの説明(主張)ごもっともではある。
ただ、ゴードンは SCE は自分の前にあったとは言うが、スイッチの厳密な位置はコントロールパネルの右下で、コンラッド(左)・ゴードン(中央)・ビーン(右)の並びからすると、SCE ビーンの目の前にこそあった(Bean, who was sitting in the right seat, just in front of the switch)に違いないだろうけれど、まあ狭いコックピット―況してや、ご自分のデザインであるなら、そこ(SCE)はゴードンの縄張り―って話でしょうかね。