




“残り物に福あり” だ They're saving the best for last.


と、ホットドッグが(慣用句的にシャレて)言うのであるから the best for last = the best pilot for last Mercury mission に聞こえて笑えるのだが、クーパー(フェイス7)を last (バーベキューパーティより後)にした時系列完全無視ゆえのセリフで、もちろん(フェイス7をバーベキューパーティの前にした)初期スクリプトにはない。




クーパー:We got it. Steak. All the trimmings. (どうだ ステーキに付け合わせもたっぷり)


グリソム:Just like Pancho's. (パンチョの店だな)


クーパー:Steak tastes about the same... only there's a lot more trimmings now, Gus. You know, it's funny. Here I am, I got $25,000 a year for a magazine contract... got a free house with all the furnishings, got me a Corvette... got a free lunch from one end of America to the other... and I ain't even been up there yet. (ステーキの味は同じだが― 付け合わせのボリュームが違う 何しろ こうだ 雑誌社との契約金が年に 2万5000ドル 家は何から何までタダ 高級車も どこへ行ってもメシは接待 まだ飛んでもいないのに)


グリソム:I noticed that. (そういえばそうだな)


クーパー:You noticed I hadn't been up there yet?   They're saving the best for last.(気づいたか おれはまだ 1 度も飛んでない “残り物に福あり” だ)


グリソム:Yeah, I guess so, Hot Dog. I guess so.  Just watch you don't screw the pooch. (きっとそうさ ホットドッグ ヘマするなよ) 




The glamour of the space program was such that there was no longer any arguing against it. In addition to the chances for honor, glory, fame, and the celebrity treatment, all the new hot dogs could see something else. It practically glowed in the sky. They talked about it at beer call at every Officers Club at every air base in the land. Namely, the Astronaut Life. The youngsters knew about that, all right. It existed just over the rainbow, in Houston, Texas… the Life contract… $25,000 per year over and above your salary… veritable mansions in the suburbs, custom-designed… No more poor sad dried-up asbestos-shingle-roof clapboard shacks rattling in the sandstorms… free Corvettes… an enormous free lunch from one side of America to the other, for that matter… and the tastiest young cookies imaginable !(The Right Stuff)


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