






I am an aeronautical engineer, an aerodynamicist and a designer. My flying was only primarily because I felt that it was essential to designing and building better airplanes for pilots to fly.


     -Scott Crossfield


あくまで第一義はエンジニアであって、テストパイロットは(flying が時間的には先だろうと)二の次にすぎない属性、それが(まさにエンジニア/テストパイロットたる)クロスフィールドであり、早い話がリドリーにイェーガーをフュージョンさせたような異能の存在―単にイェーガーのライバルと捉えるのはクロスフィールドを過小評価した(的を外した)見方です。


アームストロングの cross-country flight(その3432、33参照)は X-15 を(シミュレーションとのずれを)テストしてみようとした(It turned out that the real flight was not agreeing with simulations he’d done on the ground.―“First Man”)結果 ヘマして大気に弾かれた(bounced off the atmosphere)と説明(釈明)される。(映画じゃ何~にも示されないけど)


事実、アームストロングは Pilot's Comments  Flight: 3-4-8(Pilot: Neil Armstrong)で頻りに simulator ではどうだった、simulation はこうだったと(・This seemed to be a little bit slower than it had been on the simulator.  ・This was also somewhat slower than it had been on the simulator.  ・The airplane flies 100% better than the simulator on this theta hold.  ・The simulator had indicated that the airplane pitch damping at this condition would be poor but it was not.  ・I put in several pulses and control steps in the area of the peak altitude and noted that the airplane did not move as far in heading, side slip, or roll attitude for the same stick deflections as we had seen on the simulator.  ・We have had performance to 5700 ft/sec on the simulator for 82 seconds of burning.  ・We had seen g limiting on the simulator operation at levels approximately 4 g to 4-1/2 g and it wasn't obvious that we were having any g limiting so I left it at this 4 g level for quite a long time hoping that this g limiting might show up.  ・The next transmission I expected from my simulation work was "you're about 20 miles north," but the transmission I got was "turn hard left."  ・However, my indicated airspeed said 190 knots and that seemed from my past simulation experience, to be what should have been adequate to turn the heading but it really wasn't.)ごちゃごちゃ詳細な(めんどくさ~い)報告をしている。








Neil was a pretty good engineer. He wasn't too good an airplane driver.




かくしてアームストロングがヒヨッコの役回り、かつクロスフィールドからアームストロングへの X-15 のキーの引き継ぎイメージは必然的に「ライトスタッフ」のテーマ―即ちイェーガーからクーパーへのライトスタッフの継承を踏まえた、そのパロディ的な(笑える)構図となる。


とは言え、“The right X-15”(または “The real X-15”)は「ライトスタッフ」とは基本的に違う―ある意味で the right stuff なる概念と無縁ですらあって、カウフマンがスクリプトから X-15 を削除せざるを得なかった理由にも関係してようか。(その3069参照)