




トム・ウルフ(原作)の X-15 (パイロット)の位置付け・捉え方を如実に象徴するジョー・ウォーカー vs ガス・グリソムの(そのまま “The right X-15” に使える)舌戦エピソードがあって―


飛行直前のある晩、ガスが緊張を少しほぐそうとカクテル・ラウンジで飲んでいると、他ならぬジョー・ウォーカーがやって来た。 (One night just before the flight, when he was in the cocktail lounge evening out the strain a bit, who should Gus run into but Joe Walker.)(その2930参照)




Both Gus and Joe had knocked back a few, it being after dark, after all, and Joe starts in with a little Yeager-style country-boy banter about how Gus and his pals had better hurry up or him and his boys would pass them on the way up. Oh, yeah, says Gus, how's that? Well, says Joe Walker, we've got a 57,000-pound rocket engine now, and the Redstone that shoots your little peapod up there only puts out 78,000, so we're almost up with you—and we fly the damn thing. We actually fly it and we land it. Joe Walker meant to keep it light and just rag Grissom a little bit, but he couldn't hold back a note in his voice concerning where things actually stood in the true scheme of things, on the real pyramid of flying competition. Everybody is looking at Grissom, the astronaut, to see what he's going to say. Grissom, who is a tough little nut when he wants to be, stares at Walker… and then he breaks into a grin and starts a kind of gruff-gus chuckle. Oh, I'll be looking over my shoulder the whole time, Joe, and if you come by, I swear I'll wave.

    And so much for Joe Walker and the True Brothers! It was all right there in that scene, the new simple truth. Grissom didn't even feel angry. There was nothing that Joe Walker could say or do—and nothing that even Chuck Yeager himself could say or do—that would change the new order. The astronaut was now at the apex of the pyramid. The rocket pilots were already… the old guys, the eternal remember-whens… Oh, it didn't even have to be said !(The Right Stuff)