






果して、そこに「ライフ」(スタッフ)はいたのか? 問題(その3063参照)―私見


"The Astronaut Wives Club"(Lily Koppel)はウェインライトを―


There were three Life reporters assigned full-time to the husbands and wives, including Loudon Wainwright, whose son would beget a musical dynasty. (son はミュージシャンの Loudon Wainwright Ⅲ のこと)



The Life ghostwriter, Loudon Wainwright, in vigilant keeping with the magazine's no-flaws policy, had glossed over what was embarrassingly obvious in person.



Along with her(Annie)kids and some close family friends, Loudon Wainwright from Life magazine was with her to watch the launch.





そして、TV ドラマで(ドラマチックに)ルイーズ・シェパードが無言で架空のライフ・スタッフを引き留めるシーンの(想像するに)もとネタ―


The thought of suddenly having her home and life opened up to the general press—and her stutter revealed on national television? Well, it was enough to send any wife into a dither and give her a migraine. On top of that, Johnson wanted Loudon Wainwright to leave so that the networks would have a free hand. This didn't sit well with Annie. She trusted Loudon and felt as comfortable with him as she'd ever feel with any reporter. He protected her. “You sit right there,” she told him. “You're not leaving this house!”










Short of the rocket blowing up under John, this is the worst thing she can imagine occurring in the entire American space program. At first Annie is trying to deal with it gracefully by saying that she can't possibly ask Life to leave, not only because of the contract, but because of their good personal relationship. Wainwright, being no fool, doesn't particularly care to get caught in the middle like this and so he offers to bow out, to leave. But Annie is not about to give up her Life shield at this point. Her mind is made up. She's getting angry. She tells Wainwright: "You're not leaving this house!" Her anger does wonders for her stutter.(The Right Stuff)