








"The Astronaut Wives Club"(by Lily Koppel)の一節―


Rene Carpenter's husband, Scott, had called from Washington, D.C., the night before to tell her that the press was likely going to be coming this morning. Rene dressed in a classic sheath and planned to outfit her two toddler-age girls in matching red dresses piped in gold and black rickrack.


As the sun rose over the Carpenters' house on Timmy Lane in Garden Grove, California, the reporters started arriving. Soon one of them was knocking on the front door.


"Mrs. Carpenter?" the reporter asked.




"We know you can't talk to us till seven a.m. But do you mind if we set up a few things in the yard?"


"Yes, please do."


The thirty-year-old mother of four had a welcoming smile, green eyes, platinum hair, and deep dimples. She was a winning combination of beauty and bookishness. In high school, she had wanted to be an actress and a writer. At the University of Colorado, the intellectual Tri Delta sorority girl had been writing a paper on Paradise Lost when she'd met Scott during her shift at the Boulder Bookstore. He showed up one afternoon after spotting her for the first time at the Boulder Theater, where she also worked, as a movie usherette. After they discovered they both loved to ski and discuss literature and philosophy, they decided to build a life together and got married. She helped support them, continuing to work at the bookstore as Scott made his way toward his degree. Before graduating, he joined the Navy.


Soon the reporters were again at the door, asking if they might come in to take some photos. She knew how to be a gracious hostess, having been a Navy wife for a decade now. As Rene invited them in, the reporters took note of how she pronounced her name; it rhymed with keen. She let the reporters tour her home, filled with cherished family items like the teardrop-shaped monkeypod coffee table. Rene had picked up the raw wood for it when they were stationed in Hawaii. She had fashioned it into a base for the coffee table herself. One of the few perks of being married to an aviator was that the Navy would move your furniture for free, as you uprooted yourself from one base to the next.



やはり Rene は peachy keen ではなく、ただ単に keen の発音だ(it rhymed with keen)としてたもよう。