




キーワード「壁の写真」pictures on a wall はライトスタッフを語るための具体的(かつ象徴的)なツールであって、pretty girl の問いかけはクーパーがパンチョの店に初めて訪れた時―


Rookies ?  Now hold on, sis. You are looking at a whole new ballgame here now.  In fact, in a couple of years, I bet you're even gonna immortalize us by putting our pictures up there on your wall―   What ?  I say somethin' wrong here ?




Well, I'll tell ya. I've seen a lot of them, and most of them were just pictures on a wall... (Excuse me, what'd you say ?) I said, "pictures on a wall," back at some place that...doesn't even exist anymore. (その3032、3042参照)




そもそもイェーガーがパンチョの店に来ると、ちょうど(トントン打ち付ける音がして)X-1 で墜落死したパイロットの写真を掛けており、話は pictures on a wall から始められ(そして、クーパーのライトスタッフ解説 But there was one pilot I once saw who I think truly did have the right ..... でまとめられ)ていると言ってもいいだろう。




A MAN IN A WHITE GROUNDCREW OUTFIT is hammering a picture on the wall behind the bar. There are many pictures already hanging there of planes and pilots, badly framed, crookedly hung.


And the picture he’s hanging -- we've seen it before !  Remember that moment in the opening Newsreel when Wayne, the pilot, was giving the thumbs-up sign ?  Well, there he is -- being hung up on the wall, thumbs up.  We’ve just been to his funeral.

