




その1500~1501 (2014/ 4/ 3)


さて、笑える SF 映画 The Rot  Stuff でレッドバロンがタイムスリップするオープニング―


Was für ein Flugzeug ist das? (What kind of plane is that?)


そう呟いたレッドバロンの Fokker Dr. I は摩訶不思議な空飛ぶ円盤の怪光線を受けるや(Punch a hole in the sky 的に)近未来へワープ…


その行先はと言うと、1962年のエドワーズ―X-15 のジョー・ウォーカーとボブ・ホワイトが UFO を目撃するシーンと交錯し、あざとく(わざとらしく)カットバックしたりするわけです。


この頃の(実際の)イェーガーは 1962年 7 月から エドワーズ(Edwards AFB)の ARPS(The USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School )Commandant になっていて時期的に(うまい具合に)重なりもするし。(その2980~2982参照)




ジョー・ウォーカーとボブ・ホワイトの UFO Sighting に関しては―


NASA Pilot Joseph A. Walker


On May 11, 1962  NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April, 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle, Washigton he said:


"I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight."


To date none of those films has been released to the public for viewing.



Major Robert White


On July 17, 1962  Major Robert White reported a UFO during his fifty-eight-mile high flight of an X-15.


"I have no idea what it could be. It was grayish in color and about thrity to forty feet away."


Then according to a Time Magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio:


"There ARE things out there! There absolutely is!"