






いわば、正しい資質ザ・ライト・スタッフを持つもの同士の真の兄弟のなかで、オリンポス山の最高位にある、空の勇士中の勇士が誰であるか、その個人の名前を知らないものはなかった。 [中公文庫]


Not only that, everyone knew the name of the individual who ranked foremost in the Olympus, the ace of all the aces, as it were, among the true brothers of the right stuff.(The Right Stuff) 




そうするようゴールドマンを唆したのはアーウィン・ウィンクラー Irwin Winkler(プロデューサ)、原作の二項(イェーガーとマーキュリー7)対立構造に戸惑うゴールドマンへ提案した解決策は、あろうことか―


"Forget Yeager."




Adventures In The Screen Trade by William Goldman


An amazing character, dazzlingly brush-stroked by Wolfe. He [Yeager] would have made a wonderful central figure for a movie. But the astronauts didn't begin until a dozen years later and Yeager had nothing to do with them. In other words, there were at least two central stories in the book and they truly didn't touch at any point.




I told them what I thought-that it was a wonderful property, that I wished them joy, that I didn't know how to make it into a movie. And then Winkler totally turned me around. He spoke very quietly and he said that probably we should forget the Yeager material and go with the astronauts, starting with their selection, then their training, then the Alan Shepherd flight, followed by the Gus Grissom fiasco, and climaxing the movie when John Glenn circled the earth.


※ かくの如く、ゴールドマン脚本は(イェーガーどころかクーパーすら無視し)グレンのフレンドシップ 7 シーンにて、あっさり終了… (こんなんじゃ、誰も純正ライトスタッフ・ファンになどなりませんでしょ)