


フランク・ボーマンはスレイトンのオファー(月着陸ミッション command of the first  Moon landing)を断った理由を「宇宙船より飛行機のほうがオモロイし」(I was more interested in airplanes than spacecraft.)と(あっさり、かつ)さっぱりとしたものだが、実際 NASA(と空軍)を去るやイースタン航空に迎えられ CEOand chairman of Eastern Airlines)までになっている。
個人的にも he enjoyed rebuilding and flying vintage airplanes from the World War II and Korean War era. He was a member of the Society of Antique Modelers. Alchetron)で、根っからの飛行機好き。(I’ve always loved to fly since when I was 15. I flew with my father when I was very young, as a passenger in an open cockpit bi-plane.
けれど、それは(嘘偽りではないけれど)単なるボーマンの嗜好(志向)性であって、ホントのところは(“I wanted to participate in this American adventure of beating the Soviets. That’s the only thing that motivated me — beat the damn Russians.” をアポロ 8 でクリアしたことだし)むろん家庭の事情(その2907 参照)が真の理由―
I would not have accepted the risk involved to go pick up rocks. It doesn’t mean that much to me. If somebody else wanted to do it, let them take my place. I love my family more than anything in the world. AP NEWS