


「人類、月に立つ」で月軌道に乗ったアポロ 8 が月の裏側を周りかかるや、ビル・アンダースが(ふと気づき)呆然と "Oh, my God "
We came all this way to explore the Moon,and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth.”
その Earthrise についてフランク・ボーマンは―
"It will probably be remembered as much for Bill's picture as anything because it shows the fragility of our Earth, the beauty of the Earth, and just how so insignificantly small we are in the Universe. It was the beginning of the realization that we need to take care of it."
更にボーマンはアポロ 8 ソ連を打ち負かし宇宙開発競争―冷戦を終わらせるというスタンスを語っている(I was there to participate in the Cold War battle with the Soviets. I was confident that Apollo 8 would succeed, and that the Soviets were beat.)―
"I like to think that President Nixon and Secretary Kissinger were interested in using space as a means of détente. I know we advanced that agenda – we started the process of ending the Cold War."
まさしく アポロ 8 こそ「人類史上、最も危険にして地球に優しいミッション」なのだった…