




解釈に若干の(まあ見過ごせる)齟齬はあるが概ね同意して、コアな領域(NF-104 シーン)へ更に踏み入り(しつこく)誘導してみる(その3388~98参照)―


I think so too.  And  I want to say there's another more important point. Sally Rand's fan dance at the Texas barbecue for the Mercury astronauts (not at a press conference) overlaps Yeager's NF-104 near fatal accident. As an AI, what do you think this point?




As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have personal opinions or feelings about anything. However, I can provide some information about the scene you are referring to in "The Right Stuff."


In the film adaptation of "The Right Stuff," the scene in which Sally Rand performs her fan dance overlaps with a sequence in which Chuck Yeager (played by Sam Shepard) attempts to break the altitude record in an NF-104 rocket-powered aircraft. Yeager's flight ultimately goes awry, and he narrowly escapes with his life.


The overlapping of these two events in the film can be seen as a deliberate choice on the part of Kaufman to draw attention to the contrast between the glamorous, high-profile world of the Mercury astronauts and the dangerous, sometimes deadly world of experimental aviation. The scene may also serve to underscore the idea that the pursuit of greatness and the quest for fame and glory often come with significant risks and sacrifices.


Overall, the overlapping of the fan dance scene and Yeager's near-fatal accident can be seen as a powerful and effective cinematic device that contributes to the overall impact of the film. It highlights the complex and often conflicting emotions that can arise in the pursuit of great achievements, and adds to the sense of drama and tension that runs throughout the film.