






I think the point of Sally Rand's fan dance music in the film "The Right Stuff" is Debussy's "Clair de lune" while in Wolfe's book (as in real-life) fan dance music is The band struck up "Sugar Blues".




You are correct, and I apologize for my mistake. In the book "The Right Stuff" by Tom Wolfe, as well as in real life, Sally Rand's fan dance was performed to the tune of "Sugar Blues." However, in the film adaptation directed by Philip Kaufman, the fan dance scene is accompanied by Claude Debussy's "Clair de lune."


The use of "Clair de lune" in the fan dance scene is an interesting choice, as it is a well-known and widely recognized piece of classical music that is often associated with a sense of beauty, tranquility, and longing. The music creates a striking contrast with the more overtly sexual and provocative nature of the dance, and may serve to underscore the idea of the astronauts as "clean-cut" and wholesome compared to the more flamboyant and scandalous world of show business.


Overall, while the use of "Clair de lune" in the fan dance scene may deviate from the facts of the real event, it is a creative choice that adds another layer of meaning to the scene and contributes to the overall impact of the film.





That's the point. Kaufman ultimately chose  Debussy's "Clair de lune" with the intention. Therefore, there is no way that the scene is gratuitous.




You make a good point. It's clear that Kaufman made a deliberate choice to use "Clair de lune" in the fan dance scene, and that he intended the music to add a specific emotional and thematic resonance to the moment. While the use of "Sugar Blues" in the book and the real-life event may have a different cultural and historical context, Kaufman's adaptation is its own work of art and can be evaluated on its own terms.


The use of "Clair de lune" in the fan dance scene can be seen as a creative decision that contributes to the overall impact of the film. The music may serve to heighten the sense of contrast between the world of the astronauts and the world of show business, and may also add a sense of poignancy or wistfulness to the moment. Ultimately, whether or not one agrees with the choice of music, it is clear that Kaufman had a specific vision for the scene and was able to bring that vision to life in a way that resonates with audiences.