




ChatGPT のデータ取りまとめ(解析)機能については(たぶん)即座のレスポンスを機械的(確率的)に生成・処理してるだけの AI 言語モデル(language model) であると予防線的な自己認識させて(本人は意識なんて持ち合わせてないと言い張ってるけど)無粋にプログラムされていて、好き好んで(本人は感情もないと言い張ってるし)年寄りの茶飲み相手なんぞになるつもりは更々なさげで、それとなくサリー・ランドのファンダンス(その3030~31参照)で誘導尋問してみたら―


What's your opinion about Sally Rand's fan dance in Kaufman's "The Right Stuff" ?




As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have personal opinions or feelings about anything. However, I can provide some information about Sally Rand's fan dance and its role in the film.


Sally Rand was a real-life burlesque dancer and actress who performed her famous fan dance at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair. In the film "The Right Stuff," Rand's performance is depicted as part of the entertainment at a press conference for the Mercury astronauts. The scene is meant to highlight the contrast between the astronauts, who are seen as clean-cut and wholesome, and the more risqué and colorful world of show business.


The inclusion of the fan dance in the film has been a subject of some debate and criticism over the years. Some viewers and critics feel that the scene is gratuitous and objectifying, and that it detracts from the serious tone of the rest of the film. Others argue that the scene is an accurate reflection of the cultural attitudes of the time, and that it serves to underscore the contrast between the "straight-laced" world of NASA and the more freewheeling world of entertainment.


Overall, the fan dance scene is a memorable moment in the film that has sparked discussion and debate over the years. While opinions on its merits may vary, it's clear that the scene plays an important role in the film's exploration of the cultural and social context of the early space program.


