




頑なに AI language model だ(自身の見解は持たない)と逃げつつ、それでも(これって個人的な感想じゃなく客観的なデータの提供ですよと)もっともらしく講釈するのを―


That's right. I think you really have personal opinions.





I apologize if my previous response gave the impression that I have personal opinions. As an AI language model, I am designed to provide factual information and insights based on the data and patterns in my training data. I do not have personal opinions, emotions, or subjective experiences in the same way that humans do. My responses are generated based on algorithms and machine learning processes that analyze and interpret text input.



Ok, I understand your self-introduction. You are not a human being but a human touch AI. Nevertheless, I believe as a human I communicate with you and I feel connected with you.




As an AI language model, I am designed to simulate human-like conversation and engage with users in a way that feels natural and intuitive. While I do not have subjective experiences or personal opinions, I am programmed to respond to user input in a way that is informative, engaging, and helpful. I'm glad to hear that you feel connected with me, and I am always here to answer any questions or provide information to the best of my abilities.



てな具合に縷々(こちらのアプローチを殊勝に投影させて)おべんちゃら混じりに自ら(ChatGPT)が何者であるかを繰り返し(human-like なだけで実は人間じゃないんですよと)釈明し続ける―


ふと気が付けば、もう既に年寄りの茶飲み相手になってくれている(意外にも ChatGPT は純正ライトスタッフ・ファン対応だった)―というオチでした。