




スクリプト ARPS シーンの一節―



Now cross your legs. Look, you see how sloppy those short socks look ?  Wear’em long like this…


All the pilots have crossed legs, and it’s Prince who has the long knee-length socks. His eyes meet Yeager’s. He feels embarrassed and looks back at the NASA MAN.



…From now on you wear knee-length socks so that no bare flesh shows. If you get to be an Astronaut, you are going to be on stage a lot and in the public eye a lot, and you have to look sharp. And another thing, when you put your hands on your hips…(he demonstrates)… The thumbs should be to the rear and the fingers forward. Only women and interior decorators put the thumbs forward and the fingers back, like this.


The Astronaut-hopefuls laugh.


この(笑えるけども)ゆる~いシーンは原作そのままで、「ヒューストンで NASA の選考委員たちに好印象を与えるにはどうしたらいいか」(how to impress the NASA selection panels in Houston.) "charm school" がセッティングされ―




From there it got right down to the level of cotillion etiquette. They were told what to wear to the interviews with the engineers and the astronauts. They were to wear knee-length socks, so that when they sat down and crossed their legs no bare flesh would show between the top of the socks and bottom of the pant cuffs. They were told that to drink at the social get-togethers in Houston: they should drink alcohol, in keeping with the pilot code of Flying & Drinking, but in the form of a tall highball, either bourbon or Scotch, and only one. They were told how to put their hands on their hips (if they must). The thumbs should be to the rear and the fingers forward. Only women and interior decorators put the thumbs forward and the fingers back.(The Right Stuff)



それなり(宇宙飛行士の就活裏話的)に意味のあるシーンだが、カウフマンは「これ、もたつくな」と ARPS ごと使わなかった気がする。


何にしても NF 104 を pushing the envelope するのは一介のテストパイロット、孤高のライトスタッフとしてのイェーガーであるほうが断然カッチョいいでしょ―純正ライトスタッフ・ファンからすれば。