


その658 2005/ 6/ 7
映画は リカバリー・ヘリのハント・クラブ 1 (浸水して沈みかかったリバティベルを何とか引き上げようとする Marine helicopter )を、おそらく同型であろう Sikorsky SH-34 で再現していて、32 の機体番号も本物どおり。
しかしながら、その同じヘリが(カプセルの回収を断念して一旦は遠ざかりかけるのに)続いてガス・グリソムをレスキューするのは(明らかにウソを承知の)完全な手抜きでして、実際にグリソムをぶら下げるのはハント・クラブ 1 ではなく 別のヘリでした。 (←写真を見ると 30 Marines となっており、同じリカバリー・チームのハント・クラブ 3 あたりか―その他にも一機の Navy helicopter がアシストしている)
ハント・クラブ 1 は重いカプセルを無理に吊り上げようとしてエンジンがいかれかけていたし、まさかグリソムが溺れてるとは思わず、ほったらかしていた―パイロットは Jim Lewis で、原作(訳)はルイス海軍大尉(a Navy lieutenant)としてるが、正しくは海兵隊Marine Corps helicopter pilot
グリソムに命綱(horse-collar)を投下したのは別のヘリの George Cox で、MR-2 (ハム)と MR-3 (シェパード)のリカバリー経験者―その知った顔のコックスを目にして、グリソムは やっと安堵したもよう。
but Wolfe neither interviewed me nor asked my opinion 》– Jim Lewis
As the helicopter pilot, Lewis, looked down on the capsule, it shaped up as a routine retrieval, such as he and his co-pilot, Lieutenant John Reinhard, had practiced many times. Reinhard had a pole with a hook on it, like a shepherd's crook, that he was going to slip through a loop at the neck of the capsule.
The crook was attached to a cable. The helicopter could hoist up to 4,000 pounds in this fashion; the capsule weighed about 2,400 pounds. Lewis had swung out and was making a low pass toward the capsule when suddenly he saw the capsule's side hatch go flying off into the water. But Grissom wasn't supposed to blow the hatch until he told him he had hooked on !  And Grissom—there was Grissom scrambling out of the hatch and plopping into the water without even looking up at him. Grissom was swimming like mad. Water was pouring into the capsule through the hatch and the damned thing was sinking !  Lewis wasn't worried about Grissom, because he had practiced water egress with the astronauts many times and he knew their pressure suits were more buoyant than any life preserver. They even seemed to enjoy playing around in the water in the suits. So he gunned the helicopter down to the level of the water to try to snare the capsule.(The Right Stuff)

