




それでもスワイガートは司令船を蘇らせるべくスイッチ・オン操作していくにつれ、疲れも寒さも感じなくなって、自身も元気を取り戻す。(“Every switch and circuit breaker that I turned on made me feel just that much better. I forgot about being tired and didn’t even notice the cold.”)


交信記録が示すとおり、司令船 power-up の手順を地上から伝えたのは(「アポロ 13」のウソ脚色ではなく)実際にマッティングリーだったが、シミュレータに一人こもったマッティングリーが LM から電力を逆向きに用立てるアイデアを土壇場で捻り出す(So... reverse it. Reverse the flow and see if we can draw these 4 amps from the LM batteries before we cut it loose.)いかにもドラマチックなシーンは「アポロ 13」の陳腐なハリウッド式捏造ストーリーで、とうに考案・検討されていた LM 電力逆チャージの手順をマッティングリーが試運転してみただけ(それも一発始動したらしい)というのが実際のところ。(その2998参照)


あのシーンは「アポロ 13」の作り話の最たるもので、当時のシミュレータは(あんな微妙に反応する)電力プロファイル対応の精密な代物(a very high-fidelity simulator)じゃなく、ジョン・アーロン(「アポロ 13」ではジーン・クランツに ‟Power is everything.” と説得する EECOM)によれば―


The one thing that I thought was interesting, probably departed from the actual way we did it, the way we developed the entry sequence of how to power up the command module and service module in preparation for entry was greatly oversimplified in the movie, because it depicted that we had a very high-fidelity simulator that if you went in and tried an entry sequence, the power profile would just be a high-fidelity byproduct of that. And in those days, simulators were computer speed and memory limited, so mostly what simulators concentrated on was the flying characteristics of the vehicles, because that was the key thing to train a crew. We got very little fidelity with respect to what kind of power profiles it took to fly what the crew was flying in the simulator. (Johnson Space Center Oral History  John W. Aaron – 26 January 2000)

