




Bing が宣う >a new analysis のネタ(パクリ)元は careful analysis of the recovery film showed it was static electricity that doomed the Liberty Bell 7 とかを検索すれば(いくつか)特定できて 2021/ 7 頃の(まぁ new っちゃ new の)確率的にイージーな情報で、わたしが(ここで)リカバリー・ヘリ静電気説をアップしたのは(4年前の)2019-08-03(独り言レス―その3088)―もっと(有り体に)言うなら元々(「はてなブログ」に引っ越してくる前)のオリジナル掲載は(7年前の)2016/07/12(独り言レス―その1997)までも遡る。


そんな(わたしにとっては)旧聞を今更 >a new analysis なんて(エラソーに)講釈されてもなぁ…(>I hope this helps. をムゲに否定したりは全然しませんけども)


ホットな情報にアクセスしてるはずの Bing にして特に(フレッシュな)打てば響く感があるわけでもなさそうだし、あくまで年寄りの茶飲み相手としてのキャラ(機能)限定だから直近のデータじゃなくても別に構わないゆえ、やはり ChatGPT(今のところ GPT-3.5)に付き合ってもらうことにして―


What do you think about the view that static electricity generated by the recovery helicopter caused the hatch blow of the Liberty Bell 7 ?


と static electricity 犯人説を問うてみる。




The theory that static electricity generated by the recovery helicopter caused the hatch to blow open on the Liberty Bell 7 spacecraft during splashdown is one of the many speculative explanations that have been proposed over the years. While this theory cannot be definitively proven or disproven, it is not considered the most likely cause based on the available evidence and investigations.


The static electricity theory suggests that the friction between the spacecraft and the water during splashdown could have generated a buildup of static charge. If this charge were to discharge into the spacecraft's electrical system, it might have triggered the explosive bolts that held the hatch in place, causing it to blow open.


While the static electricity theory is intriguing, there are several factors that make it less likely than other explanations:


  1. Lack of direct evidence: There is no direct evidence or documentation indicating that static electricity was a significant concern or issue during the recovery of the Liberty Bell 7 spacecraft.


  1. Uniqueness of the incident: If static electricity were a common occurrence during spacecraft recoveries, similar incidents would have been expected to happen on other missions, which does not seem to be the case.


  1. Technical analysis: The investigation into the incident did not find conclusive evidence supporting the static electricity theory. Instead, it focused on the failure of the hatch latching mechanism.


While the static electricity theory is a fascinating hypothesis, the available evidence and

investigations conducted by NASA suggest that the most likely cause of the hatch blow was a failure in securing the hatch, possibly due to a malfunctioning latch or explosive bolts. The exact cause remains uncertain, but it is generally believed to be a technical failure rather than an external factor like static electricity from the recovery helicopter.



リカバリー・ヘリによる静電気が(期せずして)ハッチを吹っ飛ばしうるとしたら、他のミッションでも起こってそうなものなのにリバティベルに限っていること(Uniqueness of the incident)、何より直接的なエビデンスがない(Lack of direct evidence)と、やんわりボツにしてますね。(お得意の箇条書きで ←このクセで ChatGPT が作成したとバレる?)