




いずれにしても、曖昧な口ぶりでグリソムが(パニクって)自らハッチを吹っ飛ばしたのではなさそうだとする根拠を(>There were no eyewitnesses なのに何で分るん? と)問う―


Anyway, Grissom didn’t blow the hatch―why ?  How do they know ?




The conclusion that Gus Grissom did not intentionally blow the hatch of the Liberty Bell 7 spacecraft is based on a combination of evidence and investigations conducted by NASA. While the exact cause of the hatch opening was not definitively determined, the available evidence and analysis supported the conclusion that it was an unintentional event rather than an intentional action by Grissom.


Here are a few key points that contributed to this conclusion:


  1. Testimony and statements: Gus Grissom consistently maintained that he did not intentionally blow the hatch. He asserted that the hatch blew on its own after the spacecraft landed in the water.


  1. Lack of motive: There was no apparent reason for Grissom to deliberately blow the hatch. The mission itself was considered successful up until the point of the hatch opening, and there were no indications of any intentional action on Grissom's part.


  1. Technical analysis: Investigators examined the available data and physical evidence, including recovered components of the spacecraft. While the exact cause could not be definitively determined, the investigation indicated that it was likely a failure in securing the hatch rather than deliberate sabotage or action by Grissom.


  1. Subsequent missions: Following the Liberty Bell 7 incident, design modifications and improvements were made to the hatch system to prevent a recurrence of the issue. This further supports the notion that it was a technical failure rather than intentional action by Grissom.


While it is impossible to completely rule out all possibilities, the weight of the evidence and the investigations conducted suggest that Gus Grissom did not blow the hatch intentionally. The prevailing consensus is that it was an unintended event caused by a failure in securing the hatch.





I think in a sense the hatch was surely defective.  Because any hatch blower hitting the plunger to blow the hatch injured his hand.  But Grissom had suffered no bruise.  (その3020、3087参照)




You make a valid point. One of the arguments supporting the notion that the hatch was defective is the lack of physical injury to Gus Grissom's hand. If Grissom had intentionally blown the hatch by hitting the plunger, it would be expected that he would have experienced some form of bruising or injury to his hand due to the force involved.


The absence of visible injuries or bruising on Grissom's hand adds weight to the theory that the hatch malfunctioned or failed to latch properly, resulting in the unintended opening. This observation further supports the idea that the incident was not a deliberate action by Grissom but rather a result of technical issues with the hatch mechanism.


It is worth noting that the investigation into the Liberty Bell 7 incident did consider the possibility of intentional hatch blowing, but the weight of the evidence and the absence of physical injuries to Grissom supported the conclusion that it was not a deliberate act on his part.



>You make a valid point.

