






You mention the name of Chris Kraft, I heard through grapevines that he never allowed Scott Carpenter to fly again for the Aurora 7‘s overshot landing. Is this true?





Yes, it is true that Scott Carpenter, the astronaut who flew the Aurora 7 mission, faced some repercussions from NASA following his overshoot landing. After Carpenter's spacecraft landed about 250 miles off course, there were concerns about his performance and the accuracy of his piloting skills. Chris Kraft, the flight director of NASA's Mercury program, was reportedly unhappy with Carpenter's actions during the mission.


As a result of the overshoot landing and other factors, Carpenter was reassigned within NASA and did not fly another space mission. Some sources suggest that Kraft played a role in the decision to remove Carpenter from future flights, but it is important to note that there were likely multiple factors and considerations involved in that decision.


It's worth mentioning that the precise details and motivations behind NASA's decisions regarding Carpenter's subsequent spaceflight assignments can vary depending on different accounts and perspectives. However, it is generally acknowledged that Carpenter's overshoot landing had an impact on his career trajectory within NASA's astronaut program.



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