最初のパイロットは…アラン・シェパード。 予備のパイロットはジョン・グレンとガス・グリソムである。(第9章「投票」) (And the decision was that the prime pilot would be… Alan Shepard. The backup pilots would be John Glenn and Gus Grissom.)
"Shepard gets the first flight, Grissom gets the second flight, and Glenn is the backup for both of these two sub-orbital missions. Any questions?"
と発表したのであって、その232 の >1961年1月19日、ロバート・ギルラスが交霊会の部屋で7人に向かって、互選の結果 1番目はアラン・シェパードだと発表した時、同時に 2 番目はガス・グリソムで、両方のバックアップにジョン・グレンがあたるということも告げられた とする説を完全に裏付けている。
Into That Silent Sea: Trailblazers of the Space Era, 1961-1965
According to Shepard's recollection of that day, Gilruth closed the door behind him and said, "Well, you know we've got to decide who's going to make the first flight, and I don't want to pinpoint publicly at this stage one individual. Within the organization I want everyone to know that we will designate the first flight and the second flight and the backup pilot, but beyond that we won't make any public decisions. So . . . Shepard gets the first flight, Grissom gets the second flight, and Glenn is the backup for both of these two suborbital missions. Any questions?" There was absolute silence in the room as the seven men digested the news. Gilruth looked around once at the seven faces, and then made his exit, saying, "Thank you very much. Good luck ! "