


従って、ジャック・リドリー 及び、扮するレボン・ヘルムが「ライトスタッフ」に不可欠のキャストであるのは、オープニングとエンディングのナレーションなしには映画(少なくともクリストファー・ノーランが認める“an almost perfect movie”)にならないことが証明していよう。("You can't pretend 2001 doesn't exist when you're making Interstellar," Nolan said. "But the other film I'd have to point to is The Right Stuff. I screened a print of it for the crew before we started, because that's a film that not enough people have seen on the big screen. It's an almost perfectly made film. It's one of the great American movies and people don't quite realize how great it is — probably because it's four hours long!"Christopher Nolan Reveals Interstellar's Movie Influences- IGN
リドリー 関連レス―
その13 (2003/ 4/19
「リドリー、ガムはあるか?  くれよ、あとで返すから」ってやつ。
You got any Beemans
と言ってるんですが、この Beemans のページに、ちゃっかり使われてまして―
Beeman's Chewing Gum was a favorite of Flying Ace and first pilot to break the sound barrier, Chuck Yeager.  Chuck Yeager chewed a stick of Beeman's Chewing Gum before each flight.
Loan me some. I'll pay you back later.
ですから、最初 わたしが(愚かにして、笑える)勘違いをしてたように、かんだガムを返すからってふざけてるんじゃなくて、後でちゃんと代金を払うからということでしょうか。
とすると、この字幕は「くれよ」じゃいけません―loan ですから、あくまでも「貸してくれよ」ですね。(だからこそ pay back するわけですから)
Beemans はもう作られてなくて(Sorry - we're sold out!)、値段は定かではないですが、5枚入りで1ドルかそこらか、まあ安いもんでしょう。
Beemans GumThe Serrand Family Home Page
It became a sign of luck for pilots and early airmen like Howard Hughs and Amelia Earhart would never think of climbing into a cockpit without a pack of Beemans. But, it was the early days of the Space program that earned the pepsin gum it’s recognition. General Chuck Yeager chewed Beeman’s during just about every significant flight he made in the ’40s and ’50s. He described that he breathed pure oxygen through his in-flight mask,which made his mouth extremely dry. Beeman’s helped keep his mouth moist. However some theorize that he, like so many other pilots of the time, considered it good luck.