その 494 ~496 (2004/10/25~27)
「ジョン・グレン物語」にはアニーはもちろんですが、他に登場してもらいたいレディースが二人(←ジャッキー・コクランとジェリー・コッブじゃなく)、一人はディー・オハラ Delores(Dee)O'Hara 、最初の宇宙飛行士専属の看護婦さん(first astronaut nurse)です。 (「人類、月に立つ」ではアン・マグナソンが扮してるが実物はずっと愛嬌がある)
当時は(宇宙のことも含め)右も左も分からず、マーキュリー計画と聞いて―そりゃ、何じゃらほい? マーキュリー(水星)って惑星? 体温計のマーキュリー(水銀)? てな調子だったらしい。 (もっとも、誰もが初めてのことだったろうけど)
このディー・オハラを狂言回し的に使ってもいいでしょうね―STS-95 の打ち上げを見送るところからマーキュリーの頃(24、5才)に戻って、あれこれグレンらに絡んでくるといった感じで…
宇宙飛行士は医師(flight surgeon)とは話したがらない―と、ディー・オハラは言う。
シグマ7のフライト前に、ディーに更なる尿検(←しょっちゅう実施されてた)のサンプルを求められたシラーは、ふざけて(何やら泡立った液体がたっぷり入った)どでかいガラス瓶(←マジックで SCHIRRA の署名あり)を彼女の机の上に恭しく提出したことがあったそうです。
その一抱えもあるボトル(←ご丁寧にロリポップを添えてリボン飾りしてあったりする)を抱きかかえるようにして(びっくり仰天)大いに受けてるディーのスナップ写真に(Dee O'Hara, Mercury Nurse のサイン入りで)自らコメントを付けておりますね―
What a warm feeling! と。
Johnson Space Center Oral History―Dolores B. "Dee" O'Hara(23 April 2002)
I gave morning report the next morning and went to his [Colonel George M. Knauf Air Force surgeon] office, and here sat his exec officer, the chief nurse, and all these people. I really was terrified because I didn't know why exactly I was there. I literally sat on the edge of the seat. Anyway, he started talking about Mercury, and I thought, well, there's a planet Mercury and there's mercury in a thermometer, and then he mentioned astronauts. That, of course, didn't mean anything to me. I didn't know what they were. He mentioned NASA, and I thought he was saying Nassau, because of the island of Nassau. I had just been there, and I thought, "How did the heck did he know I was down there?" Anyway, I was quite confused.
He [Knauf] wanted someone that would get to know the astronauts so well that she would certainly know if they were ill, because, as we all know, pilots and, let alone, astronauts are not about to tell a flight surgeon when they’re sick, and that’s understandable because, as you know, pilots are so afraid of being grounded, and the flight surgeon’s the only one that has that authority over them. So they’re not usually very friendly with their flight surgeons.
※ ディー・オハラの(マーキュリー以前に TV で見たことがあった)ジョン・グレン評―
Into That Silent Sea: Trailblazers of the Space Era, 1961-1965
John Glenn: John, bless his heart; is a supernice guy. He is warm, friendly, and very approachable. In all the time I’ve known him he’s just been such a wonderful man. John made me feel instantly welcome that time I innocently stumbled across the “First Seven” in the conference room in Hangar S. He came out the door after me and insisted on introducing me to the others. I do remember seeing him as a contestant on the tv show “Name That Tune” before he was selected, and he was absolutely wonderful and charming, but obviously I didn’t know him at that time. What did stand out for me was that smile of his. John has two very distinctive and endearing features—his infectious smile and his freckles. He, like the others, was an excellent aviator and a strong competitor.