




わずかに(お情け程度に)シラーが「ライトスタッフ」で使われてるラブレース・クリニックの Schirra’s “gotcha” シーン(その3220参照)―


I'll open the box a little so you can see.(少し開けるから のぞけ)


Don't put your fingers in there.(ダメだ 指は引っ込めろ)


This thing will bite them off. It's vicious.(ガブッと かみ切られちまう)




NEAR THE WINDOW, SCHIRRA is leading forward showing two other guys a box. They very cautiously peer inside.



Careful…Careful…I caught this mongoose out there in the desert. I’ll open the top a little so you can see him. But don’t put your hand in or he’ll take it off for you. This baby is vicious.


They lean in : then, suddenly, a long, gray snakelike coil comes popping out right into their faces, scaring the other guys.



Gotcha !







He was a practical joker of the amiable sort. He would call up and say, "Hey, you gotta come over here! You'll never guess what I caught in the woods… A mongoose! I'm not kidding—a mon-goose! You gotta see this thing!" And it would sound so incredible, you'd go over and take a look. Up on a table Wally would have a box that looked as if it had been converted into a cage, and he'd say: "Here, I'll open the top a little, so you can see him. But don't put your hand in, because he'll take it off for you. This baby is vicious." You'd lean down to take a look and—bango!—the lid flies open and this huge gray streak springs toward your face—and, well, my God, veteran aviators would recoil in terror, dive for the deck—and only then realize that the gray streak was some sort of fox-tail rig and the whole thing was a jack-in-the-box, Schirra-style.(The Right Stuff)