








となっていて、原作で Throne Room とは  8 -The Thrones(「八 玉座」)の一節―


Up above the centrifuge arm there was a balcony, and this balcony was known as the Throne Room, because arrayed upon it was a lineup of green plastic seats with high backs. Each had been custom-made, molded to the contours of the torsos and legs of a rocket pilot.(The Right Stuff)




 と説明されてるように、各人の訓練用シートと思しきものが置いてある共用ルームみたいなとこでのシーンだけれど、これは例によって(カウフマンお得意の)つぎはぎ細工でして、原作(もとネタ)が特定する本当の場所はコナカイ・ホテル(in this room at the Konakai Hotel)―


翌日七人が、彼らのために取ってある続き部屋スイートの居間に集まっていたとき、グレンがつぎのような意味のお説教を始めた。女の子とのお遊びがここのところ目に余る。(The next day the seven of them were in the living room of a suite that had been set aside for their use, when Glenn launched into a lecture, along the following lines: the playing around with the girls, the cookies, had gotten out of hand.)


このコナカイ・ホテルでの集会(the session at the Konakai)は―


コナカイ交霊会セイアンス(the Konakai Seance)






ときおり七人のパイロットはラングレーの彼らのオフィスのドアを閉め切って、秘書でさえ入れないことがある。何ごとが始まったのかと誰か訊くと、宇宙飛行士が交霊会セイアンスを開いているのだ、と教えられる。交霊会セイアンスだって? いや、それは彼らが何かの問題について全員の合意をえようとする会議に勝手につけた名前にすぎない。その問題というのはたいていは専門的技術的なものだという含みがその名称にはこめられていた。彼らは、専門技師のところに行ってマーキュリー・カプセルの計器盤のデザイン変更を申し出る前に交霊会セイアンスを開いた、とウォリー・シラーは語っている。[中公文庫]


Every now and then the seven pilots would shut the door of their office at Langley, and not even the secretary could come in. If anybody wanted to know what was going on in there, they were told that the astronauts were having a seance. A seance? Oh, it's just a name they thought up for a meeting in which they try to come up with a common position, a consensus, concerning certain problems. The implication was that the problems were mostly technical in nature. Wally Schirra would mention that they had had a seance before going to the engineers and insisting on changes in the design of the instrument panel of the Mercury capsule. (The Right Stuff)


 とされるが、シラー本人はインタビュー(collectSPACE: 'I worked with NASA, not for NASA' February 22, 2002)で―


"Walt Williams, our Mercury Operations Director, used the term 'seance' to refer to what we did. When we came out of there, we would have a unanimous opinion, a couple of black eyes, and a few bruised shoulders! But we did it very rarely, we didn't overuse it. It wasn't like in 'The Right Stuff' movie — that was just for entertainment."


と「ライトスタッフ」で(あくまでエンタメ的に)描かれる 'seance' とは違った実態を述べてます。