




スコット・ケリー Scott Kelly はトム・ウルフの「ザ・ライト・スタッフ」に触発されてテストパイロット(海軍)~ NASA 宇宙飛行士になった。


The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: Scott Kelly(2020/11/07)


But I remember seeing this book on the end of the aisle, where they highlight the stuff that they’re trying to sell. I think it’s called the end cap or something of a bookshelf. And there was this book that had this very patriotic, red, white, and blue cover, a cool title. Caught my eye, made me pick it up. Wasn’t a big reader at the time, so it was kind of unusual for me to actually buy a book like that then, and read the back, found it interesting, looked through the first three pages, took my gum money or my beer money or whatever it was and bought the book, walked back to my dorm room and then opened it up. And basically didn’t get out of my bed for the next few days, just reading the stories of the fighter pilots, military fighter pilots, and test pilots that became the original Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts.


And the book was The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe. And something in that book just really sparked my imagination.



12 月 8 日 (Dec 8, 2020) スコット・ケリーのツイート(@StationCDRKelly)―


Iconic Test Pilot General Chuck Yeager has slipped the surly bonds of earth. A WWII fighter ace and the first human to break the sound barrier.


He was a true legend with the right stuff.  Fair winds and following seas, General Yeager.  #RIPChuckYeager



最後のライトスタッフ、チャック・イエーガー  ついに墜ちる… (Dec. 7  at age 97)