




その2852 (2018/ 9/11)




People wonder if it's hard to sleep up here, I just drifted off for about 3 or 4 minutes on a quick little nap. Sleep here just like you do anywhere else.




MA-9 astronaut self debriefing


I found that one difficulty is that so far as sleep is concerned, when you are completely powered down and drifting, you are so relaxed -- and it's such a relaxed, calm, floating feeling, very, very refreshing -- and very delightful,you have difficulty, not sleeping. I found that I was cat-napping and dozing off frequently. Sleep seems to be very sound. I woke up one time from about an hour's nap that I had taken with no idea where I was and did not have any bearings at all about me (about where I was) and it took me several seconds to orient myself and realize where I was and what I was doing.







>生医学計測器を見守っていた医師たちは、非常に奇妙なことに気づきはじめた。実際、とても信じられなかった。計測目盛りやコンピューターのデータを客観的に読みとってみると…すべては、宇宙飛行士が眠ってしまったことを示しているのだ!(The doctors monitoring the biomedical telemetry began noticing something very odd. In fact, they couldn't believe it. Every objective reading of the calibrations and printouts indicated… the astronaut had gone to sleep!)


とされてる一方で、逆にクーパーは宇宙での低心拍数(I guess my heart rate was really way down there.)が考察されてなかったことを指摘して(And then, I had a fairly low heart rate anyway, and they really didn’t take into consideration how much lower you’d be in space, and then how much lower you’d be in space when you went to sleep.)、ずっと居眠り運転してた(And so they thought I was asleep all that time.)かのように思われてたとも語っております― Johnson Space Center Oral History L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.  21 May 1998