






その 1858~9 (2015/ 8/24)




 Tom Wolfe : Having Dennis Quaid play Gordon Cooper was a good stroke. Cooper, as a pilot, didn't have much of a background. He was an OK military pilot. They chose him because he was so cool. He fell asleep on the launchpad. These holds would go on for hours. He also fell asleep during a spaceflight. He was an absolutely cool human being.  [ An Oral History of the Epic Space Film The Right Stuff | WIRED ]




クーパー Gordon Cooper ご本人も―


 "I liked it. He did a pretty good job"




デニス・クエイドは What's your #1 most recognized movie? と訊かれ―


Quaid :  “The Right Stuff.”  People come up to me no matter where I am – from Nepal to France – and say  ‘You’re the space guy!’  [A Moment with Dennis Quaid: Actor Talks About Moving, Family and]






 Mit diesem Film('Der Stoff, aus dem die Helden sind')ist ein Jugendtraum für mich in Erfüllung gegangen, denn ursprünglich wollte ich Astronaut werden― [12 Kilo für Clinton-Rolle: Quaid aß beruflich Hamburger - TZ]




別のインタビューでは If you could hang out with any of the characters you've played in real life, who would you pick? に(Really? Wow, what a dinner party that would be―)Jerry Lee Lewis(Great Balls of Fire)、Doc Holliday(Wyatt Earp)、Gordo Cooper(The Right Stuff)を挙げ―


 I had a really good time playing Gordo Cooper, and I did hang out with him, actually. He was my favorite, because he was my hero when I was a kid. [CINEMABLEND  Interview: Dennis Quaid]

