




big news(イェーガーの音速突破 The sound barrier's been broken.)を the press に電話(a long-distance call)しようとして少佐に(No, sir. No press. No word of this is to go beyond the flight line. と)箝口令を敷かれた連絡官の言い分―


Maybe not to the press or the general public. But soon, every fighter jock, rocket ace,and rat-racer in the country...will be headed this way, wanting to push the outside of the envelope...and get to the top of the pyramid.(新聞に隠しても噂は広まりますよ じき国中の飛行士がここを目指してやって来て 新鋭機の限界に挑戦してはピラミッドの頂上を目指す―その2929参照)


ここでイェーガーその人を目指す次世代型ライトスタッフとしてクーパー登場のカット(highway to Edwards)になるんですね。




He was so friendly and easygoing, it was hard not to like the man.


Much of Cooper's fireproof confidence was based on the fact that he was "a natural-born stick- and-rudder man"


No sweat. Just made it a little more of a sporty course, that was all―


などのまんまにしても、より以上に扮するデニス・クエイド(million-dollar Dennis Quaid smile)のまんまイメージ。





C’mon, Trudy, who’s the best pilot you ever saw?


Trudy knows the answer to this one – she’s heard it before. And you can’t help but love Gordo’s smile, a smile that will one day land him right on the cover of Life Magazine.