




カーペンターがグレンのパシリだと見て取れるフレンドシップ7 打ち上げ中止のシーン―すっかり待機疲れして汗ばんだグレンのヘルメットを外してやるのはまだしも、その後 グレンが電話でアニーを励まし(I will back you up all the way, one hundred percent)、脅すウェッブを(You're way out of line!と―その3123参照)敢然かつ完全に拒絶し、一同 ハケていくまでずっと持たされている。(その3196参照)






HANGAR AT CAPE CANAVERAL. John Glenn is covered with sweat, draw, deflated, and beginning to feel very tired after waiting for five hours. He’s still got half his mesh underlining hanging off his body and bio-sensor wires sprouting from out his thoracic cage. Carpenter, Gus, Deke, and Shepard are walking with him when they see the head NASA MAN and his entourage approaching.




So there's John, with half his mesh underlining hanging off his body and biosensor wires sprouting from out of his thoracic cage… there's John, covered with sweat, drawn, deflated, beginning to feel very tired after waiting for five hours for a hundred tons of liquid oxygen and RP-1 kerosene to explode under his back… and the hierarchy of NASA has one thing on its mind: keeping Lyndon Johnson happy.(The Right Stuff)


ジョンは、宇宙服下着を半分脱ぎかけ、生体感応装置バイオセンサーのコードを胸部からはみ出させたまま、汗まみれとなり、げっそりし、がっくりき、彼の背中の下で三十六万七千ポンドの液体酸素が爆発するのを五時間も待たされてくたくたになっていった…それなのに NASA のお偉方の考えていることはただ一つ、リンドン・ジョンソンのご機嫌をそこなわないことだけなのだ。[中公文庫]