




ライトスタッフ」上映後のディーク・スレイトン評  "none of it was all that accurate, but it was well done."  が大方の(ザックリとした)感想じゃなかろうか。


正確(accurate)ではないと言うのは、ウォリー・シラー評  "It was a whole bunch of poetic license. They insulted the lovely people who talked us through the program--the NASA engineers. They made them like bumbling Germans."  に窺えるように、フォン・ブラウンと思しき科学者らの扱いは減点対象になるし、特にガス・グリソム(リバティベル)についての映画の脚色(poetic license)は仲間内から拒否されて然るべき最たるものだろう―それでも「ライトスタッフ」は間違いなく well done(a very well done movie)なんですよ。




My theory is that they seemed to be trying to sell it to the audience as The John Glenn Story. You know, the patriotic this and that. And it wasn’t.




シェパード役のスコット・グレンは “the most stupidly marketed film I’ve ever made”―さも  “Will this movie be influential in the candidacy of John Glenn ?”  が重要マターであるかのように(メディアに)乗せられたマーケティングmost stupidly と難じてるし、それをクロンカイトは "This may elect Gordo Cooper to the presidency. He comes out the hero."(グレンよりクーパーこそ大統領に選ばれる描かれ方をしてるんじゃね)と正しく皮肉っている。 (参考:The Right Stuff - Radiator Heaven December 20, 2013)




"It was a great movie in all regards."




“I think the book is good and I think the movie is good.”




その2875 (2018/ 9/26)


Oral History M. Scott Carpenter 27 January 1999


Q : A lot of these anecdotes showed up in Tom Wolfe’s book called The Right Stuff. You were in that book. You played a prominent role. And in the movie that followed. There’s been a lot of discussion about it, pro and con. I wondered, what are your impressions of The Right Stuff, the book and the movie?


Carpenter: Well, I think the book is good and I think the movie is good. My affection for both is colored some by my great affection for Tom. He is a bright, bright, fine man; and I think the film is a great film. I’m asked about it frequently, and people say, “Does it tell the truth?” And I say what I believe: that the book and the movie, for that matter, are truthful. They made—they take—both of them take some literary license with facts, but only nonessential facts. The important details portrayed by both the book and the film are presented accurately.



トム・ウルフを "the modern-day F. Scott Fitzgerald" と喩えるカーペンターらしい物書き(the wright stuff)としての視点で、にも拘らず(ありがちな)原作至上主義に陥ることなく、the book is good と the movie is good を同等のスタンスで述べてます。


ライトスタッフ(the right stuff)を持ち合わせてなかったとまで言われるカーペンター、まことに意外にも紛れもない純正ライトスタッフ・ファンだと言いたいですね、わたしは。